A message from Sarah Prevette, Founder & CEO, Future Design School
Like you, I’m sure, my first reaction to the news of increasing school closures due to the Omicron variant was utter disbelief. It feels almost surreal — how could we still be here, mired in this murk, nearly two years after it swept across the globe? My second, stronger reaction, though, was the opposite: emphatic belief in school leaders, teachers, and staff across the education universe. We can do this. The strength and fortitude I’ve witnessed in strategic planning sessions, at virtual meetings and conferences, in news stories, and through professional learning communities has been downright superhuman, and it fills me with tremendous hope and optimism.
The education system has been a significant focus throughout the pandemic for good reason: It is the lifeblood of our society, in the truest sense of the word. For that reason, schools need and deserve all the support we can muster, and those who keep them running have more than earned deep empathy and respect. And though I know that this sentiment is widespread and strongly felt, I also know that the amplification of negativity, anger, and fear makes support, empathy, and respect seem to be in increasingly short supply.
To our partners and friends around the world, and to all teachers, school leaders, support staff, administrators, parents, and students — particularly those who feel they are facing this battle alone: We are here for you, we believe in you, and we see and value the hard work you are doing to move forward. Thanks to you, I firmly believe we will come out on the other side of this pandemic stronger than ever, and ready to meet the challenges of a shifting world with determination, perseverance, and an adaptive, innovative mindset.
There’s a good reason why the first word in our name is “Future”: We were founded to help lead education forward, and activate bold transformation in the face of big shifts on the horizon. We remain committed to this mission; our strategic planning work, professional learning, student programs, and Future of Education Reports are focused on looking ahead. But we are also realists, and we understand that our true purpose is to support educators — especially in times of need. We’re proud of the work we’ve done to that end, and we’re planning even more of it in the months ahead. In the meantime, though, please know that we have your back. Do not hesitate to reach out in search of resources or connections, or if you simply need an empathetic ear: team@futuredesignschool.com.
On behalf of the whole Future Design School team, I wish all the best to you and yours in 2022.